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Friday, March 24, 2023

Devops anyone?

800 hours 馃挭馃徏馃槑

Make deployment great again 馃憡馃徏馃檪

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Tested my skills IRL. 

1)Found a bug in Oxygen IDE


web.acceptAlert() recorded instead of web.alertAccept() and web.dismissAlert() recorded instead of web.alertDismiss()

2)Generated the fully qualified Test Incident Report


Test incident Report by Vladimir Amir

3)Reported the bug with the help of my teacher Shay. 

Github thread of reported bug by Shay Ginsbourg.

4)Got the bug fixed by devs in new version. 

Turned out the the bug was in Chrome plugin.

Here's the link to the bug thread: 

Here's the link to the full bug report: 

Here's the video of bug reproduction: 



Until the next time. Farewell.

Monday, May 31, 2021

ISTQB Foundation

Recent addition to my professional competencies:
SW testing: heritage of getting paid for finding others' mistakes.



That's how i haven't wasted the 2020-2021 Corona time


Investing in myself. 


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring is here :-)

Millions of birds migrate in Galiliee

Just for fun :-]

Friday, August 30, 2013

Good idea does not need a complicated solution :-]

"Pressy is a tiny physical button that connects to your phone through the headphone jack." Recently its production was funded on Kikstarter. Such things are best examples of Android OS advantages.
Pressy on

讻讱 注讜砖讬诐 讻住祝. 砖讗诇讛 讻诪讛 诪砖转诇诐 诇拽谞讜转 讗转 讛讻驻转讜专 讘- 20$? 
诇驻讬 诪爪讘 讛转专讜诪讜转, 讗谞砖讬诐 讘注讜诇诐 讻讘专 讬讜讚注讬诐 讻诪讛 讛诐 爪专讬讻讬诐 讗转 讛讻驻转讜专.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

"Switch users without logging off" and his microsoft BSOD friends

Finally, after being busy for a several months, I have a time to post here that I've found a solution to the problem described in Microsoft Answers site, where i asked for an assistance ( "Switch users without logging off" failure ). It is useful to mention that, in that period of using Windows 8, I discovered additional problems, such as: BSOD when you click on a thumbnail pages of IE; BSOD during scanning; BSOD when selecting text in *.xps / *.oxps files. All these problems were solved too.

After a disappointment in Microsoft Answers community, I contacted Microsoft support and described my issues. It turned out to be an outsourcing company named Calanit and our interaction lasted several weeks of useless and effortless waste of time. During these weeks i spoke with few support representatives who demonstrated incompetence and complete lack of interest in solving my issue. When last support representative told me that they cannot help me to solve the problem and offered me a money return, after weeks of messing with my laptop in the middle of my studies and preparations to exam, all I wanted to tell him is where I want them to stick their 40$. At the end, the solution was my assumption that I wanted to conduct under support's supervision, but did myself when they turned me down.

Back then I purchased 2 windows upgrades 32 and 64 bit. During interaction with support team, they advised me to format completely my laptop and perform a clean install. In order to do this, support representative upgraded my keys to standalone ability. Later this allowed me to solve a problem, and since my laptop has 64-bit CPU, I tried to perform a clean 64-bit install. Miraculously this worked. The solution is revealed to be as simple as installation of 64-bit version of Windows 8 instead of 32-bit one. Note that Microsoft do not offer to chose a version, so it'll require buying an additional upgrade to 64-bit system (if it was present), otherwise buying a standalone activation key.

Happy BSODing out there

Monday, May 13, 2013

MCSA of administrating Server 2012

Recent addition to my MCP family:
Don't you like cool buggy IPAM? We know you do - it's better than nothing.

Another small step toward global domination. Steve Ballmer is proud of me.